09:21 am Saturday morning we finally received news from our latest ultra sound that took place yesterday and we are happy to announce that it looks like we are having a perfect little baby Girl!!! We are so excited for this news!!
The ultra sound was scheduled to take place yesterday mid morning and we received an update from Sindy stating that the ultra sound would be a little delayed since one of the doctors was called into an emergency delivery. To calm our anxiousness she sent us a few pictures of our surrogate’s baby bump which was a great surprise, since we really have had no contact at all with the surrogate and it was nice to see the person (or at least half of the person) that is carrying our little girl !
The rest of the day we waited by the email to get the ultra sound and soon the day became evening and the evening became morning…..We finally received the email early this morning and suddenly all was well with the world again. The excitement spread throughout our friends and family once the phone calls started happening and now everything seems so real. A baby girl!
It’s exciting to now think that we can finally paint the room and pick out some items knowing that they are for a girl. There will be pinks and purples in a house that is predominantly beige's and browns. A little color never hurt anyone anyhow……