It’s been ten day’s since we have had Layton home with us in
Panama; he has turned into one of the best babies we could have ever imagined.
We like to believe that we have been expert partners in parenting, but to be
honest I think he has just figured Daniel and I out and has taught us how he
likes to be taken care of and we finally caught on. Layton is incredibly smart, and he loves to be cuddled and
held tight and is very calm. We even think we are starting to see what his
personality is going to be like. Every day we know how lucky we are he is in
our lives now, and every day we are falling more and more in love with him and
honestly can’t remember life without him.
Our meeting with the consulate however had a whole different
story to it. It was not smooth, it was not all giggles and happy times, and
actually was quite the opposite. We learned quickly that the entire process of
getting Layton home quickly we had no clue about. What was discussed originally
by the hospital and what actually we needed to do was completely different and
threw us into a state of shock and panic.
The Consular had us fill in Canadian passport application forms,
residency forms for Layton etc. This was followed by having to run down to
another photography place to get more pictures of Layton for both the passport
and the residency card application. The one’s we had were of no good and were
told they weren’t to standard.
Once all forms were filled out and submitted we explained
our urgency to get these processed as soon as possible since our return date
was going to be on Tuesday August 28.
We waited and waited with what seemed and eternity just to be told
yesterday that the Canadian passport agency declined our DNA test that was
supplied by the hospital. It was not a preferred lab that the passport agency
uses and thus null and void. Our hearts sank. Although everyone at the
consulate is very sympathetic it just shocks us that our own government
agencies do not speak to each other and process’s are not clear on what the
other one is doing. The consulate told us they are trying to get more details
on what we were to do next and for right now there is nothing more they can do.
With that, and a few more breakdowns we had to cancel flights, hotel
accommodations, and more flights not to miss any of the reservations we had
already in place.
The next day (today) I was at the consulate again at open
and was told they were having a conference call with Passport Canada later this
morning as to what exactly they need from us. Again, told to go home and they
would call us. A few hours later I spoke back with the consulate and they said
they would need us to contact a DNA testing facility back in Canada and set
this up ourselves to get a test sent don to Panama so we can perform this test
again to the Canadian standards by an approved lab. We took their advice (what
else can we do) and have arranged a company in Toronto to over night this test
to the consulate today so hopefully we can get this second ball rolling as soon
as possible. This is where we sit
right now, waiting again, with no control over situations. All too familiar
with how this past year has gone, and the feeling of helplessness continues.
We can’t explain to people what it feels like to not be
allowed to leave a Country with your baby, it feels like your being smothered
without air and no one can help. I know policies are put in place for reasons
and to protect fellow Canadians, but if you take a good look at Layton and into
his eyes you will clearly see he is ours to every fiber of his being and truly
a proud Canadian baby.
We knew this journey from the beginning was going to be
stressful, and at times feel hopeless. We thought we were accustomed to this
but with every clear glimmer of the finish line a few more hurdles get added to
the course. Layton is keeping us strong and helping us keep it together, we
know we will get everything done the officials keep asking us for, but we just
are aching to bring him home to grandparents, family and friends, and get him
to his home where he will be growing up and hopefully spending the happiest
times of his, and our lives.